PITA 042

ICEBREAKER: Yellow things

TOPIC 1 How do you manage/design products at high speed? We have 3-months to fix a problem.

  • Have a goal & defined success criteria

  • Build small & iterate quickly

  • Minimise handoffs - have the devs see the research happening - make sure they see at least 2 sessions, so they don’t design for one person

  • Imagine we have half the time - what would we do if we only had half of that?

  • Plan for failure

TOPIC 2 How can we create that sense of stakeholder community in (entirely virtual) complex organisations?

  • Weeknotes - what did we do this week, what do we plan to do next week

  • Show & Tells - to extend the Weeknotes point, I really like short (3 - 4 min) summary videos, both for the visual element and to make the updates feel more personal

  • On the week notes front having “non work stuff” in that as well can be nice.

  • Quarterly planning - do it together

  • Figure out who owns the budgets & makes the decisions

  • Motivation mapping

  • On the motivations side of things, I also like to refer explicitly back to those motivations when I’m sharing updates - helps to avoid the feeling that “We’ve had the conversation about what matters to us, then we moved on and never mentioned it again”

  • Create a stakeholder group - talk to them about strategy together

  • Agendaless lean coffee together - e.g. using donut app for Slack

  • Getting people with different views - get them together to collaborate on success criteria - facilitate the conversations between them to diagnose and resolve issues

  • Tom Wujec: Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast

  • The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters Kindle Edition

  • Get people together in person from time to time (i.e. every 3/6 mo) and mix teams up

  • Create better relationships by having them in non-work channels/conversations - not company mandated but created by individuals

TOPIC 3 How do you ask for help?

  • Link it to bigger/specific change

  • Show examples of other companies that do it, especially competitors

  • Who owns the budget for different types of things - coaching vs consulting vs leadership/professional development

  • Emphasise *why* i’m interested in it now - how this helps things, and especially how this learning can be shared across the organisation

  • Emphasise continuous improvement, and trying it with one team before rolling it out everywhere

  • Also to address the point about vulnerability i.e you’re already supposed to know the answer, I’ve also seen this framed as “I am hoping to become *Even More Amazing* at this, and coaching with a leading expert can help me get there”

  • Identify specific needs/weakness/maturity of the organisation - internally, or via a third party - then use that as the basis to address them

  • Demonstrate by doing - show that you have a coach

  • Pitch that strong, capable leaders get coached, leading by example  

  • Barry O’Reilly’s Unlearn

  • Before you ask for help yourself, ask senior leaders how they ask for help - do we ask for help, resources or support? Ask in Town Halls, etc 

  • Another pitch for leader coaching I’ve seen people be happier with is “I want to experience coaching so I can coach my people better”  — wanting to “get better at coaching” being seen as more acceptable than “I need coaching”.

  • Frame the question around support/enablement for professional development rather than necessarily asking for help

TOPIC 4 How do you help people get used to change when they're used to stable environments? 

  • Micro level: Controlled, small experiments within teams to get them comfortable

  • Macro level: Sports metaphors, showing how top teams have made changes after prolonged periods of success

  • Show how you participate in the change

  • Don’t talk about change. Talk about the problems being solved

  • John Kotter, Leading Change

  • People will only change to solve problems that they recognise and care about

  • Is it change or evolution?


PITA 043


PITA 041